10 Important Questions to ask yourself everyday

10 Important Questions to ask yourself everyday :

To attain happiness and fulfilment, Successful people have some strategies to be honest with themselves. We studied and did research consistently for many days to find out how they keep themselves on the right track. Gratefully we found the most important questions that Successful people ask themselves regularly to keep themselves crystal clear. These questions also helps to deviod of any doubts or regrets. These are the questions to ask yourself everyday to be certain of your direction in this world.

10 Important Questions to ask yourself everyday

10 Important Questions to ask yourself everyday 

1. What am I grateful for? 

          First question to ask yourself is what are you grateful for. Start your work with gratitude, not with lack of something. Researches have shown that if you're grateful for the things you have, you attract more the of the things to be greatful for. Successful people know this. They have found gratitude in whatever they do.

          Gratitude co-relates with mood and sleep patterns. It increases your confidence even during inflammation. Be grateful for everything you have and write them down. It can be anything like food, shelter over your head or even electricity.

2. How much do I think about what others think? 

The second question to ask yourself is this. How much time in a day do you spend thinking about what others think? Recall your past and try to analyse, has the time you spent in worrying about what others think, served you anything till now? No. Worrying does not serve you anything. If you wanna be Successful, stop worrying and start doing. You don't have to show yourself smart or talented. It's cliché. Never do this. Instead focus on your work if you really want to excell in it. Someone will say something whatever you do, it should not bother you. Concentrate on your work and communication and ask yourself this question. 

3. What do I do in recreation? 

          You don't need to think about this. Successful people know what makes them happy. One thing to keep in mind is that the recreation moments are the ones you're going to remember on your deathbed.

          Don't coast through life just wishing but work to get recreation. The problem is not that we're too busy, the problem is that we never set clear priorities and just watch opportunities pass by. 

4. Am I anxious person? 

Nearly 20 percent of population is anxiety provoken. To be Successful, you need to get rid of it. If you're anxious, figure out what kind of anxiety is this. Have an understanding about anxiety that 90 percent of the things you fear or anxious about, never really comes to fruition. Welcome your life with anxiety-free mind. Appear to be confident because success requires this kinds of traits.

5. What will people say about me after my death? 

          Think about this. To become Successful, you need to have it clear in your mind. Your time is limited so what you want your legacy to be? Don't miss the chances that you're provided with on this planet.

          Touch the lives of as many people as you can. Be generous to others and set yourself as an example of hard work and kindness. Now start working. Be that someone you admire with positive attitude.

10 Important Questions to ask yourself everyday

6. Where do I want to be in the next 5 years? 

Its quite impossible to reach a destination you don't know. To become Successful, you need to have a plan down the road. Ask yourself this question and write out crystal clear answers. What you want to achieve in your life? Goals make destinations more likely to achieve. If you sail your boat without any direction, you most probably will get wrecked by rocks. Great people plan their lives, they don't leave it to chance. Give yourself some direction and decide to reach your goal. It will get you ahead in life. Researches have shown that the people who set their goals and write them down are 10 times more likely to achieve them than those who don't set goals. Goals will help you what to focus on.

7. What is my purpose in life? 

          Your purpose will help you to grind for your dreams when it gets tough. Why are you doing the things you're doing? Successful people know this. What are you going to lose if you don’t work for it? If you want to become CEO of an organisation, ask yourself 'why?'.Answer these questions. What is the reason behind this goal? Is it for the salary or social status or something else?

          Be crystal clear about this. Minimise the distractions to reach your goals. Its going to be challenging to reach there. So make your life purpose clear to make your dreams a reality. 

8. What are my values? 

Values are important in life let alone to become Successful. Many of us never give a moment to know what our values are. Values are the ethical framework of basically who you are and what's important to you. They guide our behaviours and determine who we are. It helps to decide what is right and what is wrong. If you have strong values, others' opinions won't matter much. Things that we do are allowed by our values. If you don’t have values, you'll easily be swayed away by random opinions.

10 Important Questions to ask yourself everyday

9. What would I do if I wasn't afraid of anything? 

          Think about this question and truly ask yourself. If fear was not a factor what would you do, how Successful would you be? Fear is holding you back from going out and doing what you want in life. One thing that you should notice is that the things that we want the most are the things we're most afraid of. It means, to get what you want, you have to overcome your fears.

          If you want to start a business, go do it. If you're afraid of following your passion, go follow it. This is because fear is a liar. You might have experienced in the past that whenever we fear the most, after its done, it feels not that dangerous, in fact, it becomes one of the greatest victories to have achieved. What exactly are you afraid of? Is it failure? Failure will not matter in your deathbed, what will matter is that you didn't even try. Most of our fears are irrational and ahead of these fears are potentials that makes our life limitless. 

10. What would happen, by default, if I don't take action?

As kids, we were told to play it safe and do what others suggest, to fit in. But in order to become Successful, you have to do something different. If you go on the path that society suggests, you'll get the results that society gets. Don't confine yourself by others' opinions. And you need to take action, if you don’t take action today, by default, your life will remain same as it used to be. You cannot achieve something if you don't challenge yourself to grow. Ask them why it can't be done what others say it can't be done. Bust through your limiting beliefs and become limitless. 

          We hope you liked this article "10 Important Questions to ask yourself everyday". And of course, if this was useful to you and provided some value to your life, be kind to share it with your friends as well. 

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          Which of the above mentioned points resonated with you and which are the ones are you going to implement right now in your life? And if you have any questions, queries or suggestions, let us know in the comments below as comment box has been created just for you! We would love to hear from you. See you soon. 

          Thank you. Have a great day and great life. Be a part of our community and we want to see that smile on your face. 
