Steve Jobs's top 10 rules to become Successful

Steve Jobs's top 10 rules to become Successful 

          Becoming Successful is becoming the best version of ourselves. Success does not necessarily mean related with money although surely it is an attribute of Successful people. See, if you do something that is authentic to yourself and what you love, you're Successful. The notable part comes when the world recognise that person. You need to put your heart and your love into whatever you're doing. Be simple and authentic, you'll be Successful.

Steve Jobs's top 10 rules to become Successful
Image by Gadgets Now

Steve Jobs's top 10 rules to become Successful 

1. Don't live a limited life 

          Steve Jobs says don't live a limited life. Your time is limited, so don't waste it living somebody else’s life. Don't get trapped in the dogma that you're supposed to do what others suggest. Don't live your life as a result of other people's thinking. Don't let these noise drawn out your own inner voice. Have the courage to follow your passions and instincts, they somehow already know who you want to become. 

2. Have a great team 

No matter how smart you're, you need to build a great team. You cannot do everything. You need people who are smarter than you so that they can suggest, guide you to where you want yo go. The people you surround yourself with will shape your future. So be smart about it. Surround yourself with smart and positive people and who share your vision, then you'll have a great future. Also remember that you are the average of the five people you surround yourself with. So choose wisely and create your future.

3. Assess your life daily 

          Outlined from his Stanford University speech, he says eath is the most powerful motivator he have ever encountered. He looked into the mirror daily and asked himself"If today were the last day of my life, would I want to do what I'm about to do today?" And if the answer was 'No' for several days, he knew something needed to be changed. Remembering that you are going to die is the best way I know to avoid the trap of thinking you've something to lose. You are already naked, there is no reason not to follow your heart. Don't worry too much about what the world will think, live your life with certainty of purpose. He aked himself this question for the last 33 years. It helped him to take big decisions and choices about what's truly important. Sometimes that wakes you up in the morning, follow it with purpose and don't ask the world's permission. 

4. Create experiences 

Successful innovators creates experiences. Steve Jobs creates experiences. The best experience of using computers, laptops, macbooks, ipads, iphones or whatever. They have been designed to give the best and highest level of experience that a customer can expect. You need to do something different in order to become Successful. When you walk into any of the Apple Stores, you'll experience a feeling of trust and enrichment of your life. Its emotional. 

5. Be proud of your product 

          Steve Jobs says that Be proud of your products. This is important to become Successful. Don’t create numerous junks instead create few products with the best in the line. Its as simple as that. He was proud of his products as he knew when his friends, family members and colleagues recieves Apple products, they're recieving the best that the Apple company has to offer.

Steve Jobs's top 10 rules to become Successful
Image by The Mercury News

6. Don't do it for the money 

In order to become Successful, don't do it for the money. Money is an enabler to allow you to do the more important things in life that probably doesn't have a payback. Although he became one of the richest man in the world, he says that he value more the Apple company, the people, the customers and their ability to innovate the products. You need to have the thing called faith in order to become Successful. 

7. Build around customers 

          For Successful products, build around customers. Customers tend to trust individuals who are passionate about their work to achieve what they want deep down. So know your customers, their industry, their challenges and strive to solve their problems and enrich their lives. You also need to look at what your customer wants. If you don’t have your trust on customers, they'll buy from other sellers whom they trust although that product may probably isn't that good. 

8. Marketing is about values 

In order to become Successful in marketing, understand that marketing is about values. Have you ever seen a Nike's advertisement as why they're better than Adidas and Puma? No, I guarantee you haven't. This is because they have values. They honor great athletes like Michael Jordan. This is what they are, this is what they stand for. Make sure that your customer knows what your company is about.

Steve Jobs's top 10 rules to become Successful
Image by

9. Have passion 

          To become Successful, you need to have passion. Be passionate about what you're doing. Never settle. If you're not passionate about it from the start, you'll never be able to stick it out. As with any job, comes a period of difficulties and frustrations even with the greatest dream job in the world. Passion will help you to hold on to it when things get rough. 

10. Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish 

Successful people stay hungry and stay foolish. They are never satisfied. They always learn and grow themselves. Always be willing to do (or keep trying to do) the things that people say cannot be done. So Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish.

          I hope you liked this article "Steve Jobs's top 10 rules to become Successful". And of course, if this was useful to you and provided some value to your life, be kind to share it with your friends as well. 

Also watch : "Stay focused on your goals - Steve Jobs  (YouTube)".

# Oprah Winfrey's top 10 rules to become Successful 

# Richard Branson's top 10 rules to become Successful 

# How to become Successful 

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          Which of the above mentioned rules resonated with you and which are the ones you're going to implement right now in your life? Let me know in the comments below. I would love to read from you. See you soon. 

          Thank you. Have a great day and great life. I want to see that smile on your face. 


