Bill Gates's top 10 rules to become Successful

Bill Gates's top 10 rules to become Successful 

          Bill Gates, the co-founder of Microsoft and a ground breaking philanthropist is an icon in the world. He has been the richest man on the planet for so many consecutive years. He has hard work, perseverance, ideas of how to create something Successful. He shares his core principles to become Successful. He has built a legacy through thinking and applying to revolutionise the world. He is so brutally honest about his flaws and weaknesses. He sets off many ventures. So lets dive right into Bill Gates top 10 rules to become Successful.

Bill Gates's top 10 rules to become Successful
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Bill Gates top 10 rules to become Successful 

1. Have energy 

          In order to become Successful, you need to have energy. You cannot do anything if you don't have the energy. Bill Gates emphasised this. In the face of obstacles or potential failure, you need to have the energy to keep the momentum.

          Successful people are Successful because they utiluse their energy properly. It is necessary in the world, anything you might be doing. To work on ideas and Successful factors, you need to have energy, it means that clearing out the false assumption and thinking outside of the box.

2. Start early 

Start as early as possible. It has so many advantages. You'll have more time to work on your goal. You can mold yourself towards your goal. Also you won't have to worry about failures. Bill Gates started working with computers when he was just 13. It gave him more time and resources to research and take ideas from other people. To become Successful, you wanna dream and start working on it as early as possible. You can’t sometimes just do it quick. It takes time and ignore the people who are negative. At early age your mind should be imprinted with positive and Successful thoughts and ideas.

3. Analyse the competition  

          In order to become Successful in any field, analyze your competitors, for positive. This will help you to be aware of new trends and possibilities to improve yourself and your work.

          According to Bill Gates, this is important to become Successful in any field. He checks out his competitors sites daily to be aware and it has been turned into a morning ritual for him.

4. Have passion  

Have passion if you want to become Successful. This is very important. You might have heard this many times guys, but why is it said so. This is because the time will come when it will be tough, and if you've no passion doing it,  you won't be able to stick to it. Many people go to the jobs that they don't like. But consider what Bill Gates says. He says that if you frequently find no new ways to enjoy your work to make it new and inspiring on a daily basis, you're dooming yourself to frustration and failure.

5. Learn from your mistakes 

         "If you mess up, its not your parents fault, so don't whine about your mistakes, learn from them."- Bill Gates. Pointing or blaming others for your mistakes is nothing but making fool of yourself. If you make mistakes, accept and learn from them.

          Mistakes are made to learn from. Anyone can make mistakes but Successful people keep on improving their mistakes and conscience. So that when the second round of the same situation occurs, you know what to do and what not to do. And he says "Believe me or not, the situations will come again."

Bill Gates's top 10 rules to become Successful

6. Learn how to play bridge 

It may sound crazy to you to learn to play bridge. But Successful people learn from everything. Playing bridge teaches you to focus and concentrate on the thing that is at hand. It also encourages you to improve your communication skills with other associates. It helps you to strategically plan and instill in yourself the unspoken rules. It helps you to develop new skills which will serve you best at boardrooms.

7. Reward yourself for your success 

          As human being, we need motivation. Successful people celebrate even small success. Its not that they are boasting about their success but celebration of small success creates the momentum to go on to achieve greater success.

          Achieve and celebrate, it wil trick your mind that we get reward after being successful then it will proceed you more towards your success. As Bill gates says "Its fine to celebrate success but it is more important to heed the lessons of failure".

8. Don't procrastinate 

Successful people do not procrastinate. As a college student Bill used to do the homework and submit his assignments the very last minute. Other students laughed at him and he thought it was funny. But it was until he came into business, he realised that waiting for the last minute is the worst thing one can do in a business. He realised that this habit needs to be changed. So he tried to reverse certain bad habits and turned them with good habits.

Bill Gates's top 10 rules to become Successful

9. Ask for advice  

Successful work requires advice. You need to have a number of people that you can turn to on important things. This is your key thing and your great asset.

10. Have a sense of humor 

You need to have a sense of humor. Successful people have this attribute. You need to be able to laugh at yourself. Waiting for others to make you laugh is totally at chance. You should be able to look years back at your life with humor. Always tend to enjoy your life no matter how hard it seems. Degrees does not matter to have a sense of humor.

          We hope you liked this article "Bill Gates top 10 rules to become Successful". And of course, if this was useful to you and provided some value to your life, be kind to share it with your friends as well. 

Also watch : "Bill Gates's rules for success - YouTube"

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# How to become Successful 

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          Which of the above mentioned rules resonated with you and which are the ones you're going to implement right now in your life? And if you have any queries or suggestions, let us know in the comments below. We would love to read from you. See you soon. 

          Thank you. Have a great day and great life. We want to see that smile on your face. 
