Thomas Alva Edison's top 5 rules to become Successful

Thomas Alva Edison's  top 5 rules to become Successful :

          Thomas Alva Edison was a very Successful inventor, scientist and a businessman. He was a real example of hard work and perseverance. He impacted and changed the world through his inventions like phonograph, motion picture camera and the most Successful of all - the electric light bulb. He lighted up the world for ever. He is also consider to be the first inventor to have done a maas production of inventions. He holds more than 1090 US patents and many others in other countries. Let us see what rules he has to offer that made him a huge Successful man.

Thomas Alva Edison's top 5 rules to become Successful
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Thomas Alva Edison's top 5 rules to become Successful 

1. Chase the impossible 

          Thomas Edison says to chase the impossible. What seems impossible is just an undone work. Nearly all the people pick up the idea to work till the conditions are favourable. But the real hero works beyond that, till he becomes Successful

          Don’t let the impossible discourage you. Its just a sign-post to improve your methods. It means that success is just around the corners. Don't belittle yourself in the pursuit of greatness. Greatness comes after mastering the impossible. Whenever it seems the darkest, the dawn follows. 

Thomas Alva Edison's top 5 rules to become Successful

2. Unlock your capabilities 

To become Successful, unlock your capabilities says Thomas Alva Edison. If we did all the things we're capable of doing, we would literally astound ourselves. There are majority of people found, living very below or beneath their capabilities. It creates problems for them as well as the world. We can all be world-class at something. So if we have singular focus completely on that, we can literally move the world and create an impact. Focus your attention on one particular thing, you'll astonish yourself. 

3. Be restless 

          Thomas Edison says to be restless in order to become Successful. Successful people have restlessness. They have an urge to constantly progress. You'll never see a Successful person sitting idle - its never gonna happen. They believe in working hard, pushing themselves and progressing. 

          A thoroughly satisfied person cannot be Successful. Failure creeps into lazy people. If you wanna be perfect, you gotta be restless. Discontent is the necessity of progress. Weight it up and become restless. 

Thomas Alva Edison's top 5 rules to become Successful

4. Work hard 

Successful people work hard. Hard work is irreplaceable says Thomas Alva Edison. Hard work, persistence and focus are the essential elements to become Successful. You cannot be Successful by chance, its never that. Its never easy. You must be willing to work hard, find your passion and stick to your work. This should be in you if you've decided to become Successful

5. Have a positive perspective 

          Thomas Edison says, you need to have a positive perspective to become Successful. Success requires effort and time, so if you don't have a positive perspective, you most probably gonna fail. As Thomas Alva Edison says "I've not failed, I've found 10,000 ways that won't work.". This is the importance of perspective which will push you to try 10,000 times. 

          Perspective is everything. It totally gives new meaning to your results. Things may seem different from different perspective. Have a positive view as these are series of experiments necessary to get the final desired result. We all can learn from him to better our perspectives. 

          I hope you liked this article "Thomas Alva Edison's top 5 rules to become Successful". And of course, if this was useful to you and provided some value to your life, be kind to share it with your friends as well. 

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          Which of the above mentioned rules resonated with you and which are the ones are you going to implement right now in your life? And if you have any questions, queries or suggestions, let us know in the comments below as comment box has been created just for you! We would love to hear from you. See you soon. 

          Thank you. Have a great day and great life. We want to see that smile on your face. 

