Vince Lombardi's top 10 rules to become Successful

Vince Lombardi's top 10 rules to become Successful :

          Vince Lombardi was one of the greatest and most Successful American Football coaches in history. He won the first two super bowls and Successfully led the Green Bay Packers to the NFL five times out of seven. He is known for his excellent coaching and motivating abilities. The great Successful man gives us some of his rules to become Successful.

Vince Lombardi's top 10 rules to become Successful
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Vince Lombardi's top 10 rules to become Successful 

1. Work harder than everybody 

          To become Successful, Vince Lombardi says to work harder than everybody. Build a great work ethic. Nowadays the good old-fashioned hard work ethic is rare. So its your golden opportunity to develop it.

          If you do more than others, you'll end up winning. Hard work in the right direction is unbeatable. This wasn't just words from him but he lived his whole life following this rule. He practiced it in every walk of his life and that made him a legend that lived by his rules. 

2. Be committed  

Talent alone won't make you Successful. You need to be committed to it whatever you're doing. If you wholely rely on your talent, it won't get you far, commitment will. Commitment is needed to persevere through tough times and not to give up when it becomes hard. No matter how dire it seems you'll make it to Successful if you're committed to it. 

3. Ask yourself tough questions 

          Ask yourself the tough questions, if you wanna be Successful. Ask yourself the tough questions and find their answers. Don't fear or worry about it. The earlier you ask questions and find their answers, the easier your life will be. Answer the question of your purpose. What is your purpose in life? What impact you wanna have in this world?

          Get going to life after or for answering the questions. Whether you wanna be controlled by circumstances and daily works or you wanna crush your laziness and fear. You'll prevail if you demand yourself what you want out of yourself and out of life which ceases to look for attention. 

4. Be prepared to sacrifice 

Be prepared to sacrifice to become Successful. Without the commotion, stress, pain, stretch, there is no growth. And becoming Successful needs growth. You must be willing to sacrifice to pay the price to get what is worthwhile for you. You have to pay something to become Successful. There ia no free lunch here. You can pay for it by hard work and sacrifice. 

5. Look for the truth 

          Successful people look for the truth. You need to put your goals upon truths, facts and figures. Half-truth goals are prone to failure. You need to accept the truth even if its harsh, as soon as possible because truth is the only thing that's even gonna be constant.

          Some people like to fake and pursue dishonesty. They're certain to fail. As Lombardi said "The successman is himself, to be Successful you've got to be honest with yourself.

Vince Lombardi's top 10 rules to become Successful

6. Think big picture 

Think big picture about being Successful. Don’t get stop by minor setbacks. Setbacks are there to learn from. You don't need to shift the road instead navigate through it. You don't need to take major route changes but overcome the setbacks and be persistent at it. 

7. Expect to be observed 

          Successful journey requires effort. Expect to be observed. Don't think that you can hide anything from the people.

          Whether you like it or not, you're being watched 24 hours a day and 7 days a week. People tend to look for who you are and what you do more than what you say.

8. Chase perfection 

Successful people chase perfection. You might not achieve perfection ever but the pursuit of prefection will alone make you excellent at whatever you do. Chasing perfection is necessary to maintain the top level work-quality. It is necessary to do that but without frustrating yourself.

Vince Lombardi's top 10 rules to become Successful

9. Write your character 

          Write your Successful character. This is important by the old concept of engraving your character in the world. It means that make yourself an idol for others to follow you. This can be done  through faith, compassion, humility, hardships and become your own hero. 

10. Lead with integrity 

Lead with integrity if you wanna become Successful. The reason Lombardi was a Successful coach is that he could extract the extraordinary effort from his players. The players were curious to follow him because they understood the effort that he was putting into them and was leading by demonstrating the commitment to players.

          We hope you liked this article "Vince Lombardi's top 10 rules to become Successful". And of course, if this was useful to you and provided some value to your life, be kind to share it with your friends as well. 

Also buy : "The Lombardi Rules : 26 lessons from Vince Lombardi - The world's greatest coach"

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          Which of the above mentioned rules resonated with you and which are the ones you're going to implement right now in your life? And if you have any queries or suggestions, let us know in the comments below as comment box has been created just for you! We would love to read from you. See you soon. 

          Thank you. Have a great day and great life. We want to see that smile on your face. 


