Napolean Hill's top 10 rules to become Successful

Napolean Hill's top 10 rules to become Successful 

          He was an American author who wrote in the areas of self-development and success. The modern work of his time the book "Think and Grow Rich" is one of the best selling books of all time on success. There is an influence of personal belief which creates power which a person needs to become Successful.

Napolean Hill's top 10 rules to become Successful
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Napolean Hill's top 10 rules to become Successful 

1. Decide a goal 

          In order to become Successful, decide on a goal. This is the major cause of failure of many people. They don't know what they exactly want. Remove your confusion and doubts and decide on something. Making a decision will make a path to achieve it. You can be sure that if you don't decide on anything, you'll not accomplish anything.

          Definiteness of goals saves the wasted effort which might have been used for something greater. Do away with your indecision and try to fix it. When you have a decision, your heart, hand and body will gravitate towards it. This is an important Successful principle to concieve. 

2. Be creative 

Imagination is the creative output of Successful brain. Concieve the new ideas and put them into action. Ask for help if needed. You can attain anything by having a right mindset, teachings and techniques. Be creative to generate new ideas and concepts. You need to be able to use the old basic knowledge to generate something new and valuable in practical life. 

3. Create a 'Mastermind' group 

          Scientific studies have shown that when like-minded people with same goal work in harmony with each other, they are almost destined to become Successful. This is just as the fact that the group of batteries connected properly in harmony with each other generates more power than a single battery.

          Work together with your 'Mastermind' group in harmony. It will provide you more opportunities to achieve goals. No man can really become great on his own, practically. You need to have alliance with like-minded people and partners. You 'Mastermind' can provide you suggestions, support, new creative ideas, feedback, faith and motivation to keep going. This is one of the key principles to become Successful

4. Pleasant personality 

This is a major important principle to become Successful. This makes achievements more easier. You need to have a pleasant personality because people, partners, colleagues and customers want to work around people with pleasant personality. Nobody wants to be around rude, angry or underconfident person, perhaps not even you. This makes work easier because now its co-ordinated with other colleagues by your powerful, magnetic and pleasant personality. 

5. Personal initiative 

          Personal initiative is important for a Successful life. The initiative that motivates a person to become Successful.

          The power it begins and brings it to you to take massive action. Learn from your mistakes, man! These mistakes will teach you to act on your own.

Napolean Hill's top 10 rules to become Successful

6. Believe 

Believe in yourself. Successful people always believe in themselves. If you don’t believe in yourself no one else will. This is quite much guaranteed. Focus on your goals and more importantly visualise them. Work through your plan every single day.

7. Take responsibility 

          Take responsibility for everything, your successes as well as your failures. Becoming Successful is mostly about taking responsibility for everything. Have a definite purpose and desire and what you intend to give in return for it.

          Repeat it daily while visualising. Repeat this statements as often as possible in a day and simultaneously, be grateful for everything you already have.

8. Take action 

You will not get any results if you don't take action on your desires and plans. Remember as Pablo Picasso said "Action is the foundation key to all success". Take massive action every single day that takes you closer to your purpose for a Successful life.

Napolean Hill's top 10 rules to become Successful

9. Faith 

         This is a very true Successful principle by Napolean Hill. You need to have faith in whatever you want to achieve.

          So you need to set tangible goals to get tangible results. Realistic goals have an attribute to get accomplished. This is a mind game so master it.

10. Controlled attention 

The another principle for a Successful life is controlled attention. The process of prioritizing time and the mindset is required. The goals you set needs enormous focus which demands controlled attention. This is most important if you wanna be Successful in sustaining your actions and ultimately your results.


          If I can just boil down to process, the takeaway from this article is this : If you want to achieve something, create a burning white-heat desire of it inside of you, then back it up by unshakeable faith and again back them up by massive action which again creates more burning white-heat desire and the cycle continues to progress you to become Successful in achieving it. ( Think and Grow Rich : The Lost Secret - Vic Johnson (YouTube).

          We hope you liked this article "Napolean Hill's top 10 rules to become Successful". And of course, if this was useful to you and provided some value to your life, be kind to share it with your friends as well. 

Also watch : "Napolean Hill's rules for success  (YouTube)"

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          For more and latest updates, Visit our Official Website - (Successful Life).

          Which of the above mentioned rules resonated with you and which are the ones you're going to implement right now in your life? And if you have any queries or suggestions, let us know in the comments below as comment box has been created just for you! We would love to read from you. See you soon. 

         Thank you. Have a great day and great life. We want to see that smile on your face. 

